A deep stream of creativity runs through my Soul and being able to express it is one of my favorite ways to nourish myself. Creating crystal grids is my absolute most treasured method of expressing my creativity. Time literally stands still when I'm 'in the zone', and it helps me to express my deeper feelings, release tension and align with who I really am. The bonus is I get to physically touch the crystals, feel their individual energies and heal through their vibration as I do. Crystal grids have not only brought incredible blessings into my life, they have taught me so many things. One of the greatest gifts, is how to let go, to trust my intuition and to trust Spirit.

One thing I’ve always wanted to do is to learn mosaics. Last year as a gift to myself I enrolled in a mosaics course and learned how to express myself in a new and exciting way. Not only have I learned new skills, I’ve met amazing people, been inspired by new creative techniques and discovered new layers and aspects about myself.
Wherever I am and wherever I go, I aim to add a touch of love and beauty to everything I do. It’s one of my ways of making the everyday sacred, and sharing my magic.