Each year I have a personal mantra or power statement that helps me stay focused and aligned. It often just formulates as I go, and tends to be a statement that inspires me and seems to stick.
In 2018 my mantra was ‘GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING UNCOMFORTABLE’. It served me well as I had many new experiences, overcame obstacles, achieved goals and it helped me stay grounded when I was being tested to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.
In 2019 my mantra is ‘JUST SAY YES’ and quite literally I’ve said yes to so many things this year. As a result I’ve secured new business opportunities, I’m working in new industries and markets I never dreamed possible, and next year I even get to work overseas...all because I said Yes!

At times I feel overwhelmed, out of my depth and like I’ve bitten off much more than I can chew. But, I also realise that by saying Yes (even when my voice shaked or familiar anxieties arose) its allowed me to stretch in new ways, learn new skills, challenge my limits, grow in confidence and be an inspiration to myself. God only knows what my mantra will be in 2020 LOL!
One thing's for sure though, a power word, mantra or statement really does work. Notice what sayings, words or statements come to you. If it inspires you and resonates on a deep level consider working with it. It may just change your life for the better!